Shopping Spree {Bath & Body Works + Victoria's Secret}

Hello lovelies!

      Last summer I visited the U.S. and shopped a lot! Since then I wanted to do a shopping spree post and finally I am doing it! This post will be featuring some of the products that I got from Bath&Body Works and Victoria's Secret. I will also be sharing my thoughts and views about the products all out of my experience.

1) Body Lotions from Bath&Body Works:-    

a}The White Citrus body lotion works great for my skin. It makes my skin feel so fresh especially when I apply it after taking a shower.I love how the smell is not too strong and so I can apply it everyday.
b}Moonlight Path is my favorite body lotion. I have been using it since a very long time. The smell is incredible and soothing. I prefer applying this at night before going to bed. It does wonders to the skin by keeping it hydrated until next morning.
c} Japanese cherry blossom is a sweet smelling body lotion. I wouldn't suggest this for an everyday routine because of the sweet smell it has. This pleasant body lotion is suitable for occasions when you have to look good and feel good.

d}Dark kiss body lotion works great for dry skin like mine. The jojoba and shea butter extracts helps the skin remain moisturized for a very long time! This lotion is best for winter season. The smell of the lotion is a little strong after applying it. But later it does not smell too strong.

 Body butter,lotion & Fragrance from Victoria's Secret

a)Vanilla Lace lotion keeps the skin soft & moisturized for a very long time. Again this can't be used everyday because of the strong vanilla smell.
b)Amber Romance & Secret Charm are body butter creams. These don't work for winter season as the butter cannot keep your skin moisturized for a very long time. But they are perfect for other times.
c)Beach fragrance mist is a perfumed spray. The thing about spray mist is that the fragrance disappears in a very short time.Other than that this fragrance mist is quite nice.

Limoncello hand cream from Bath & Body Works-
The hand cream from Bath &Body Works has a citrusy kind of refreshing smell. The Olive oil extracts in the cream keeps the skin well nourished. It is always good to use a hand cream for a glowing skin.

  Hope You Guys enjoyed this shopping spree post. I am leaving the links of the products below in case you want to get your hands on them!


  1. يمكنكم الان التسوق من علي كوبون خصم شي ان الذي يوفر لكم اقوي العروض و الخصومات علي المنتجات و تقديم كل ما يرضي المرأة العصرية و يفي بإحتياجات منزلها بأقل الأسعار حتي تربح من كافة الإتجاهات و من كود خصم شي ان يعمل علي توفير خصومات علي فساتين السهره المميزه

  2. لشراء كامل احتياجات اطفالك من ادوات للاكل وكرسي حتي يستطيع طفلك الجلوس به وسرير حتي ينام بشكل امن وتكن الام مطمئنه كل هذا مع كود خصم ماماز اند باباز حيث يقدم خصم 200 ريال من قيمه الفاتوره علي منتجات الاطفال ومع كوبون خصم ماماز وباباز تستطيع الام الحصول علي مقعد للسياره للطفل حتي تستطيع حمايته

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  4. استخدم الآن كود خصم ٦ ستريت الذى يقوم بطرح العديد من المنتجات التى تحتاج اليها أىفتاة مثل أرقى القطع من الملابس و الأحذية و الحقائب , كما أنك سوف توفر العديد من الوقت و المال عند استخدامك كوبون خصم 6 ستريت و لذلك فننصحك بسرعة تصفح موقعنا لتعرف كل العروض و الأسعار و تطلع على كل ما هو جديد


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